Wednesday, February 17, 2021

It is amazing I don't get bored

I have now been not working since November last year.  This is four months.  I don’t think I ever not worked that long; or possibly when the kids where babies.  But I manage to find stuff to do to fill in the time! I’ve got this blog which I’m starting to update on a regular basis; and one I started on for the cats: which is funny and gets me doing stuff that I want to do for an employer.

Now all I need is someone to pay me to do it!

Monday, February 15, 2021

Well, we embark on a new regime

I’m living under the new rule.  It’s called “me on the dole” and its quite difficult!  I’m applying for jobs; my CV works… But I fall over every time at interview. Damned brain damage!

I know what your thinking. Why do I need a job? I mean I’m in the later stage of 50’s. But it’s quite simple. I want money to burn. I’m not saying I couldn’t live on the dole (frugally) but that the problem. I don’t like having to be frugal!

My daughter is about 5 months pregnant and I love shopping for the little guy!  I’ve purchased some downright cute stuff, like a shark robe for after his bath! And the mouse robe! Cute as!

If I don’t get a job soon I’ll be forced to go into spending lockdown!  Oooh I hate spending lockdown. Why can’t I be rich? Why can’t I win something?

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Wow. Time flies when you're having fun

Well here I am. I forgot about this blog; too busy I guess.

Anyway, I'll tell you where I am at.  The Squeeze is still living here, and to be honest, we are pretty happy. Yeah, it ain't the romance of the century but I don't think either of us is built that way.  We are great friends; my best friend I would say. If he wasn't I suspect there is a very real possibility that I’d have killed him the first week of the pandemic.

The pandemic; world wide and fricking scary.  I keep waiting for the zombie apocalypse! I guess it’s worrying for me because I’m 'lucky frigging phil'. If anyone was going to catch it and have a lingering death, it would be me.  2.39 million deaths world wide. And the number continues to grow; except here – which is its own worrying sign.

So I used to work for the National Disability Insurance Agency but that was back when compassion was their middle name. I got fired; yep. Fired. As I was working from home it took about 15 minutes and I was gone. Of course I didn’t feel as bad when I had coffee with a girlfriend who said another disabled worker was fired at the same time. When I think of it, I hated that job anyhow. Really hated it. With a passion. That is what happens when they pick up a project support person recovering from brain damage and throw them into a finance role.

Finance. God. That’s rich. I can’t even balance my own bank account!