Monday, April 18, 2016

Well that didn't last!

The no drinking didn't last longer than three days.  Well not this time anyhow.  Although I am writing again; not exactly writing more like editing but its getting me in the zone.

I'm not sure that I can write any more.  The words don't come as easily as they used to.  I suspect what I have to say is still in there, I've just got to pull it out.  And I'm trying!

As my friend Quigley said, 'you have 3.5 years to do it!
And paid!  Sheez!'

Monday, April 11, 2016

Quitting... Not all it's cracked up to be!

Well I quit drinking just as I said I would.

I'm not quitting forever; no... Just through the week. I plan to drink on Friday and Saturday night and any night that someone comes to visit.
That's not to say I have to... My son is coming for dinner tonight and I plan not to drink.

I have to not drink because if I have one, it miraculously keeps getting filled up. Then I'm on the slippery slope to being drunk!  It's funny because I literally don't remember things.  Then again, I don't remember things when I'm dead sober either lol

I hate not drinking.  I don't get a hangover; the worse I do is feel seedy for an hour or so.
But I feel so much clearer when I don't drink...

Saturday, April 9, 2016


I'm still in bed feeling seedy. Why do I have to drink?

I'm quitting this crap today!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Sydney - here I come....

Tomorrow I fly out to Sydney to stay with my brother.  I haven't been since I was not too long out of hospital and so a borderline half wit. It should be fun!  He has a great gal who I really like, who is now his official girl (facebook status lol)

And we are going to cook up a storm!  Visit art galleries!  Ride the Harley! I bet tomorrow to Monday flies!  Just like it does here...  I don't know who messed with time when they messed with my brain but they've alot to answer to!

I haven't packed yet, but I'm starting to think about it.

This will be fun!!!!

Monday, April 4, 2016

April... WTF?

I don't understand where the year has gone.  It seems I woke up and it was April! The days fly by; I'm not sure when I ever found time to go to work!

Just this last week I've: got out of bed. Had toast for breaky.  Fed the dog.  Got dressed.  Took him for a long walk.  Get home and fluff around.
It's tea time!

I cook.  I do the dishes.  I entertain assuming I've got someone here...

I ask you; what the Hell is that about??